DUO CACIB - Nitra SK - rozhodčí Biroš SK, Heldová SK
After the first dog show Champion of Champions we continued in shows marathon.
On Saturday and Sunday, join us Drummond in class champion and Niki was in the middle class.
Especially on Sunday, when we won the best from possible. Drum won Best Male + BOS
and Niki won Best Female and Best of Breed. Wonderful day for Orecan group.
Special thank you to owners of Drumm for his great presentation on dog show.
30.3.2014 JCH Exclusive Eternity Orecan "NIKI" - Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, BOB
30.3.2014 CH JCH Duke Drummond Orecan - Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB, BOS
29.3.2014 JCH Exclusive Eternity Orecan "NIKI" - Excellent 1 CAC, res CACIB
29.3.2014 CH JCH Duke Drummond Orecan - Excellent 1 CAC, res CACIB
Niki - 16 month old - midle class
Drumm - 3 years old - champion class
from left: CH Harry z Mokrovous, HoneySuck Codeli Girls, CH JCH Garfield Codeli Girls,
JCH Exclusive Eternity Orecan, CH JCH Duke Drummond Orecan
DUO CACIB - Brno CZ - judges Slukin UA, Adlt CZ
First time in midle class - Niki just 15 month old and we try compare to together older females
but first competiton was succesful for us.
First day we won very nice female from Russia who was the best female - CACIB and Niki
res CACIB. Second day - sunday - we turn positions - Niki won her class and stayed the best female - CACIB
23.2.2014 JCH Exclusive Eternity Orecan "NIKI" - Excellent 1 CAC, CACIB
22.2.2014 JCH Exclusive Eternity Orecan "NIKI" - Excellent 2 res CAC, res CACIB